Being Alive

Courage. 11

Helena Ciuciura. She/Her. 24. Ukrainian, French Canadian, Irish, Scottish, British, etc. Kitchener. Canada.

We work to ensure the uplifting nature of these statements to our community in providing a light for inspiration and conversation. In doing so, we ensure the nature of our responses are as open and raw as possible. We are providing the space for the good, bad and in between. That being said, we are emphasizing a trigger warning on this piece for the nature of these responses. Please be advised these responses come from honest gut feeling of specific language & emotion which does not work to harm our community but rather make conversation a normality around these discussion points.

Define what courage means to you personally.

Showing Up.

What would you define as your current courage (i.e. physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.)

Staying alive. DARK I know BUT I think something about going when everything is telling you to stop is pretty metal. Not in a gross capitalist be-productive-or-else way but in a nice moving-without-inertia-takes-guts way.

Do you feel you are changing perspective, creating new meaning during this time. If so simply explain.

Learning to love spending time with yourself is so important! You won't die alone if you learn to like your own company.

 How you are conversing, doing, creating.

Badly! Making time for creating bad art, making very imperfect and often embarrassing art!

Recent realizations you have had.

Some sweet sweet positive nihilism: if nothing matters then what’s stopping you from having the best time. Eat popcorn for lunch, kiss your friends on the mouth, cut your hair, jump in a lake, have fun goddammit.

A song that define you right in this moment.

On-going projects/projects you are thinking of starting.

On-going Projects

  • Katherine and Catherine Podcast: a sweet lil pod where I chat with my pal about bad

movies we love

  • And Moving On: a nice lil compilation of short plays of HUGELY different styles with

the same subject matter with one of my best pals (and ex boyfriends) from high school

  • Doorstep Dances: people dancin’ in doorways raisin’ money for charity (GO DONATE)

  • Passing By/i: a rock opera musical about passing privilege written by a disaster bisexual

without a clue looking for help

Thinking of Starting

  • A youtube channel where I just make soup

  • The one act zoom play about lockdown NO ONE wants to see

  • Painting little red mushrooms on all my things. Like all of them.

  • A talk show style series where I interview my friends because I think they're cool and

should all be famous

Where you gather inspiration from.

My friends - seriously I think they're all so cool.

Link for people to connect, converse and create with you.




Link to your personal projects.


Katherine & Catherine Podcast (Apple Music)

Katherine & Catherine Podcast (Spotify)

Doorstep Dances Donation


A photograph of yourself in a space you find yourself in daily.


On the couch looking at my dog all day.


A photograph of a project highlight of any kind.


This one time I was in a show at the Globe Theatre in London, England. I can’t believe it either.


A photograph of a personal note to self.


My notes app is mainly comprised of me trying to remember my panic dreams so here’s my most recent one and my very profound take away written circa 4am. Don’t be with those people ESPECIALLY if they drink gasoline.


Courageous Conversations ◦ Relationships

