
Courage. 10

Emily Marisa Pittelli. She/Her. 23. Italian. Canadian. Toronto.

Define what courage means to you personally.

To me, courage is heavily interconnected with self-love and confidence. Courage means trusting and loving ourselves enough to take that scary leap into a new opportunity or have that difficult conversation. Courage allows us to utilize our strength and resiliency while embracing self-trust and self-confidence.

What would you define as your current courage (i.e. physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.)

Standing up for myself when I feel disrespected, whether it’s at work or with family, and trying to live presently by doing what makes me happiest.

Do you feel you are changing perspective, creating new meaning during this time. If so simply explain.

I do feel the past year has been quite transformative for me. I have had a few big changes happen this year that required a lot of courage and self-trust, such as moving out with my partner. Although this has been an exciting milestone, I have faced judgement and negativity from members of my family. This has changed my perspective in realizing that at the end of the day, I need to love myself most and take control of my own path, decisions, and happiness; no one else can make the right decisions for me.

 How you are conversing, doing, creating.

Since moving out, I have been able to satisfy my cooking and baking passions. Recently, I have been trying out a bunch of recipes from family members and cookbooks! I love spending time in the kitchen. It becomes a meditative space for me where I become completely emersed in my senses and focus completely on the dish I am creating. I also love to see the smile on my loved one’s faces after they take their first bite (most of the time)!

Recent realizations you have had.

I must protect myself from negative projections other people place on me.

A song that define you right in this moment.

Disco has been the soundtrack of my home the last few months so it’s only fitting!

On-going projects/projects you are thinking of starting.

I will be working with Mixed Company Theatre for my practicum at school to promote social justice through theatre and drama.

Where you gather inspiration from.

I tend to gather inspiration from those closest to me, such as my friends and family. Since moving downtown however I feel inspired just strolling on Bloor St. My new neighbourhood has been a newfound source of inspiration for me this year.

Link for people to connect, converse and create with you.





A photograph of yourself in a space you find yourself in daily.


A candid shot of me strolling in my new neighbourhood! One of my favourite frequent spaces recently.


A photograph of a project highlight of any kind.


Experimenting in the kitchen is a daily personal project of mine.


A photograph of a personal note to self.


“Find forever in tomorrow”, is a lyric from one of my favourite artists Mac Miller. Some days are really tough, I keep this note in my agenda as a constant reminder that today will pass; tomorrow is a brand new day with a fresh start, the possibilities are endless.


Being Alive


Mental Health ◦ Physical Space