Emotional Courage

Courage. 08

Milica Dodic. 30. Serbian Eastern European. Toronto.

Define what courage means to you personally.

Staying true to your integrity and exercising/communicating your boundaries. Vulnerability.

What would you define as your current courage (i.e. physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.)

Definitely emotional courage. Finding power by being vulnerable.

Do you feel you are changing perspective, creating new meaning during this time. If so simply explain.

I have been continually creating meaning for the last few years. By being brave enough to seek help on my own for my mental health, redefining so many things for myself, and continuing to be open to learning and growing. As my grandfather always says “You learn something new every day, no matter how old you are.”

 How you are conversing, doing, creating.
I continue to express myself through my nail art and creating community through virtual connection events - sharing deep thoughts and experiences, oftentimes with complete strangers.

Recent realizations you have had.

Taking away physical interactions, and replacing them with virtual ones, can make for deeper conversations - it cuts away the small talk. Play is so important! Doing things that feed your soul, for no other reason than to just have fun.

A song that define you right in this moment.

On-going projects/projects you are thinking of starting.

Revamping my nail business for the new year; hopefully starting virtual jazz singing lessons in late-January; sharing some poetry and other pieces on Medium.

Where you gather inspiration from.

Behance, Pinterest, other brilliant nail artists’ work.

Link for people to connect, converse and create with you.


Link to your personal projects.


Milica Dodic – Medium


A photograph of yourself in a space you find yourself in daily.



A photograph of a project highlight of any kind.



A photograph of a personal note to self.



