New Beginnings

Courage. 01

Lina Li. 21. Chinese. Canadian. Toronto.

Define what courage means to you personally.

Courage means trumping my fears by turning them into motivation.

What would you define as your current courage (i.e. physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.)

Mentally, I feel much stronger than two years ago. The tumultuous journey took a lot of practice and patience from myself- to hold space for myself and build my self-discipline and acceptance.

Do you feel you are changing perspective, creating new meaning during this time. If so simply explain.

I used to hate that I was an over-thinker but now I embrace my abundant mind. I love how thoughtful and creative my thoughts are and how I am able to talk to myself positively as a friend. Something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is my ability to reprogram my mindset and habits. Just because I have always been a certain way, it does not mean I cannot change by practicing mindfulness and building better habits. For example, as someone who never considered myself to be athletic, I have been building a workout habit every day in quarantine. Today marks my 50th day of working out consecutively and I feel stronger both physically and mentally.

How you are conversing, doing, creating.

I am currently working on my first-ever feature film screenplay with a co-writer friend! It’s a great way to keep ourselves on track during quarantine and also have an accountability/socializing buddy.

Recent realizations you have had.

Self-discipline is a muscle.

A song that define you right in this moment.

On-going projects/projects you are thinking of starting.

I’d like to create an ambitious cross-Canada road-trip project as a part of my 100% Human documentary series- highlighting the beautiful diversity in our country by telling the story of one interesting individual per province/territory.

Where you gather inspiration from.

People watching.

Link for people to connect, converse and create with you.



Link to your personal projects.

100% Human


A photograph of yourself in a space you find yourself in daily.


I definitely don’t look like this every day but here’s a photo of me looking forward, looking hopeful.


A photograph of a project highlight of any kind.


Here’s me filming and directing my first ever music video for my friend Victoria McCartney’s song Breathe, in -15*C dead-end of winter.

As a key creative on set, I always make the environment inclusive for my hardworking crew and try my best to never complain about the change of plans, cold weather or anything. Positive attitudes are infectious and so are negatives.


A photograph of a personal note to self.


Two years ago, with a scarcity mindset, I wrote “Desperation Breeds Motivation”.

Now, with an abundance mindset shift, I now believe in “Abundance Breeds Motivation”.

