
Courage. 06

Kassy Gascho. 22. Italian. Canadian. Toronto.

Define what courage means to you personally.

Courage means taking the time and energy into doing what you need to do, and what you believe is right- even if it’s terrifying, even if it’s boring, even if you think you’re awful! I see courage as a form of self-care.

What would you define as your current courage (i.e. physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.)

I think my current courage is finally going back to therapy.

Do you feel you are changing perspective, creating new meaning during this time. If so simply explain.

I’m trying to take care of myself and my mental health more. Which is a lot of work!  Self-care isn’t fun but I’ve learned that it is necessary (especially during this time)! If you can take care of yourself, and know your needs then it is applicable in every other area of your life. I’ve been trying to do yoga every morning, meditating and have been somewhat successful in keeping a journal.

 How you are conversing, doing, creating.

I’ve been focusing on absorbing content, reading, watching and doing all those things that I haven’t had time to do pre-pandemic. I’ve been writing more (I wrote a twenty-eight page screenplay with my roommate over the pandemic), reading more (I’ve read thirty books over the pandemic), watching more (I’ve logged one hundred & thirty movies so far) . I’ve started to make my own beer too!

Recent realizations you have had.

You don’t have to be doing something ALL THE TIME to be happy!

A song that define you right in this moment.

On-going projects/projects you are thinking of starting.

My friend and I are currently working on a documentary about Missed Connection ads (like the ones on Kijiji and Craigslist) and the wistfulness that surrounds them. We want to explore how moments stick with people afterwards and how random encounters affect our lives. We just finished production and we’re working on the edit now, I’m super excited for it!

Where you gather inspiration from.

Three hour long walks at night, my friends and all the amazing things they are doing (like this platform!)

Link for people to connect, converse and create with you.



Link to your personal projects.



A photograph of yourself in a space you find yourself in daily.

Space 2.jpeg

A mental headspace space I find myself in daily.  

Photograph by my friend Soraya (@madebysoraya on Instagram).


A photograph of a project highlight of any kind.


Working on a film project last November, we interviewed a professional clown and made a short documentary about him. It was such a fun experience. 


A photograph of a personal note to self.


I put this beside my bed so I can write down my dreams in the morning. If it’s the first thing I see I can usually *sometimes* remember.




Conversation & Reason